
Trees & new build

Imaginative strategic thinking, focussed advice, and tenacious promotion of defensible client interests. FLAC: the indispensable team member for arboriculture

For developers

We use our high-level expertise and vast experience to add value out of all proportion to our fees.

Our expert arboricultural surveyors provide the highest quality baseline data, which informs a commercially realistic tree retention / removal strategy. We work with masterplanners, urban designers and Architects to weave this into planning-friendly schemes that deliver outstanding bottom line.

Our offer is simple: appoint FLAC to your project to reduce planning risk whilst optimising land value.

Planning Appeals
Less than 1% of FLAC-promoted schemes are refused consent for arboricultural reasons. Where necessary, we provide an unrivalled expert witness service: 100% success rate for Appellants where our strategic advice is followed.

Ancient Woodland Planning Permission
Together with Alistair Baxter of Aspect Ecology, JFL has secured a series of Ancient Woodland Planning Appeal successes for development. As one client put it recently:Julian and Al are the dream team for covering this complex and demanding issue

For local authorities

Strategic Review
Lead by FLAC’s Executive Consultant, Richard Nicholson, we scrutinize all aspects and functions of local authority tree sections, and provide evidence-based, fiscally sound recommendations towards improved service delivery.

Planning Appeal Representation
Expert witness service, including briefing advice to Counsel, written evidence, and appearance at Hearing or Inquiry.

Arboricultural Advocacy
This highly specialised representation will mainly appeal to third party objectors concerned at adverse impacts on trees, woodland and ancient woodland from proposed development.

Please contact us if we can be of any assistance.